Evans Web Designs

Responsive Web Design

Evans Web Design
Make sure you look good at any size
more than 50% of the views on the internet are not on mobile devices. More than just Getting a Website or setting up a Facebook page. We make sure you are able to reach out and connect with customers and develop a community of clients that want to be loyal to your brand.

Whether through a framework or flex-box; Evans Web Design will create a custom solution for you that will optimize asthetically to the screen size.
We don't usea cookie cutter "All in One" approach to responsive web design.

We "build it and test it to ensure the page is truly functional and pleaseing at all screen sizes

Actual programming and Applications
We have the ability to not just snap the pieces of a site together and hope that all of the different layeres interact with one another pleasantly.

We create the applications, databases to ensure the solutions you need are the solutions we put in place. Web Developing languages


is the building blocks of the Site. HTML creates the content


Proper Styling is one of the most overlooked aspect of a Website today

For example this site is pure CSS flexbox design. It just transitions to smaller screens so much easier.


The Interactive Layer of a Page can become jumbled and steeped in unnecessary useless code.

We keep it simple and organized to have a site that looks and runs smoothly

JQuery JQuery UI Widgets and Angular JS

Allowing for the full power of JS on the Front End